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 descriptions, prices, and previews are listed below. all tutorials are in video format with no audio. 

instructions are typed throughout the video. all tutorials are free for VIP members.

if you wish to request a tutorial, simply contact me ♥

about style one

About Style One: In my opinion, this is the most basic editing style. You only use the colors black and white when editing. You outline the outer areas of your product image with black using a soft brush with a reduced flow to create your shadow. You add white on the inner areas of your product image with white using a soft brush with a reduced flow to create your highlight. The soft brush makes it more realistic and the reduced flow gives you the ability to build your shadow/highlight instead of using a hard brush, which creates hard lines, etc etc. I hope you enjoy the S1 TUTORIALS.



I only created multiple versions just in case you want to see how you edit each type of product, as far as placements. In some of the tutorials,  you'll also see how to sharpen, add shadows, add filters,  add a gradient BG,  and how to blur areas.







live tutorials

for VIP members only, given via Teamviewer only. they're free  ♥

S1 : Camo Hoodie

 this tutorial will go over style one, the most basic editing style. created in photoshop with a mouse.

video is not sped up.

price: 5,000cr or $2.50 USD

hoodie by YTB

S1 : White Tee

 this tutorial will go over style one, the most basic editing style. created in photoshop with a mouse.

video is not sped up.

price: 5,000cr or $2.50 USD

shirt by BD

S1 : Dark Jeans

 this tutorial will go over style one, the most basic editing style. created in photoshop with a mouse.

video is not sped up.

price: 5,000cr or $2.50 USD

jeans by Redez



S1 : Light Jeans

 this tutorial will go over style one, the most basic editing style. created in photoshop with a mouse.

video is not sped up.

price: 5,000cr or $2.50 USD

jeans by Balor



S1 : Checkered Shoes

 this tutorial will go over style one, the most basic editing style. created in photoshop with a mouse.

video is not sped up.

price: 5,000cr or $2.50 USD

shoes by factors, pose by amped



S1 : DOPE Shoes

 this tutorial will go over style one, the most basic editing style. created in photoshop with a mouse.

video is not sped up.

price: 5,000cr or $2.50 USD

shoes by eath, pose by amped

coming soon

style 2, subtle skin enhancements, lighting enhancements, and animation tutorials

if you wish to request a tutorial, simply contact me ♥

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